I absolutely love teaching art. Especially showcasing different Masters of Art. Georgia O'Keefe was a maverick of her time. Someone who saw the world in her own way and wanted others to see it that way too. That is why she said she painted everything so BIG, so people would see things the way she saw it.
After reading this wonderful book
And showing the children many of her beautiful paintings on-line, we set off to paint our own flowers, Georgia O'Keefe style. Ahead of time I had drawn a flower in pencil, then another one outlined in sharpie and then another one completely painted to be able to show them what to do step by step. As you look at Georgia O'Keefe's paintings you notice that the flower petals almost always touch the outer edge as well as go beyond the edges. That is the one stipulation that I made them adhere to. Other than that, they could draw what ever flower they wanted.
They came out so utterly beautiful that I told the children they should be hanging in a gallery. :D